بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Gracious

اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد

Oh Allah, blesses Prophet Muhammad and his family

السلام عليكم و رحمتة الله و بركاته

Peace is mercy with you and Allahs

The artist and visionary Mohammad Moussa El Ghoul he was born in 1973

in Lebanon in the capital of Beirut

Descent of the family El Ghoul is Lebanon Nabi Yuscha from the south,

the place lies on the border between Lebanon and Palastina.

The artist already caught since his childhood in himself by the different forms

and materials and drawings to occupy to show thought on the paper.

The father of the artist Moussa Mohammad El Ghoul (God is merciful to Him)

a furniture carpenter's workshop owned in Lebanon, this a good advantage was

to be dealt for the artist with the most different materials (wood, stone, iron ectr. )

and to understand from it to build up bodies to sign and.

Up to his 12 years the artist remained in Lebanon and in 1985 he entered with his

family to Germany.

In 1991 the artist caught himself more intensely with natural sciences and art to

occupy and developed a new architectural type of art to sign.

The artist and visionary Mohammad Moussa El Ghoul worked at different companies

during many years and learnt by the products and seminars own perspective.

The adequate way artistic thoughts and visions academically and architecturally is

very important for the development and future to connect.